Martyn Bates song-list
You can now find an alphabetical listing of all published songs by Martyn Bates (including a many pieces where he has made important contributions). Have a look at the Song-list!
Dissonance/Antagonistic Music (A-Scale ASR 001, 1979/80, C60 Cassette)
Bird Trapping Wing (In Steel Bars)/Ship in Distance with Cerise Backdrop/Child Squashing Frog/Planes in Collision, Falling/Mona Lisa’s Sister and Subsequent Burning/Figure Amongst Ruins/Dead Seahorse with Sky Melting/Engine Failing-Resultant Crash/Church with New Shoes Squeaking
[A version (‘American version’) of this cassette were also released with a new mix incorporating new material – ASR 009. There were also the original ID Cassettes release which were double the length of the A-Scale release.]
Letters Written (Cherry Red TRED 38, October, 1982, 10”) Reviews
Morning Singing/Cut Like Sunset/In June/Mirrored in Me/Overflowing Look/Aftertaste of Old/Jagged Tears of Words/Letters from Yesterday/Calls of Birds/Hungry Like Sharp Desire
The Look of Love (Cherry Red (12) Cherry 99, 1987, 7”/Ep12”)
The Look of Love/Adam & Eve & Pinch Me/May 3rd [last one only appears on 12”]
The Return of the Quiet (Cherry Red (C) BRED 81, November, 1987, Lp/Cassette) Reviews
Love Fell Silent/Last Chapel Picnic/At the Return of the Quiet/She Will Know/You’ve Got to Farewell/July Late Afternoon/Sad Song of Almost/The Look of Love/Etc. Angel
Love Smashed on a Rock (Integrity IR 002/IR 002 CD, October, 1988 (Lp)/Jan 1990 (Cd), Lp/Cd) Reviews
I’d Better Mean It All Now/Since I Can’t Have You/You So Secret/This is What I Say to Love/Dark’s Chorus/Love Smashed on a Rock/We Won’t Begin to Belong/Azure Flag/She’s on a Pedestal/You’re the Spell (I Can’t Break)/And I Don’t Know How It Will Be/Down Amongst the Lonely [last two only appear on Cd] [Lp also issued in Greece with You So Secret 12” included]
You So Secret (Integrity IR 004, 1989, Ep12”) Reviews
You So Secret/And I Don’t Know How It Will Be/Born and Beginning/When You Praise Her
On the Day You Climb Down (Integrity IR 005-7, 1989, 7”)
On the Day You Climb Down/City, All of Strangers
Letters to a Scattered Family (Integrity IR 005/IR 005 CD, February, 1990, Lp/Cd) Reviews
On the Day You Climb Down/Snow Rages/City, All of Strangers/Little Days/Your Jewled Footsteps/For Love, Waiting to Die/Shuttered Nights/First and Last February/This One Refrain/I’ll Wrap Your Hopes
(Cd also include): The Return of the Quiet Lp (see above) apart from: Love Fell Silent/Etc. Angel
Port of Stormy Lights (Sordide Sentimental SSMCD 02, 1990, 3” Cd-Ep, Limited numbered ed. 5000)
3 Weeks and After/She Waltzes by This Window/Beaten Gold/Ways of Going
Stars Come Trembling (Integrity IR 011/IR 005 MC/IR 005 CD), October, 1990, Lp/Cassette/Cd)
Fired High/Her and Some Heaven/The Words of the Haunted/Flashes of Sun/The Gift of Lieing/End of Sleep/Lightening Following/Later War Crys/Wintersky/Glow of Sight
The Return of the Quiet (Toy’s Factory TFCK-88815, 1991, Cd) Reviews
Love Fell Silent/Last Chapel Picnic/At the Return of the Quiet/She Will Know/You’ve Got to Farewell/July Late Afternoon/Sad Song of Almost/The Look of Love/Etc. Angel/Adam & Eve & Pinch Me/May3rd [last two only appear on Cd and are from the 12”Ep The Look of Love]
Murder Ballads (Drift) (Musica Maxima Magnetica eee 26, special project with M.J. Harris, 1994, Cd) Reviews
The Death of Polly/The Fowler/Lucy Wan/Long Lankin
Chamber Music I (Sub Rosa SR81, December 23rd, 1994, Cd) Reviews
Strings in the Earth and Air/Dark Leaves/Twilight Turns from Amethyst/Yellow Keys/At That Hour When All Things Have Repose/When the Sky Star Goes Forth in Heaven/Lean Out of the Window, Goldenhair/I Would in That Sweet Bosom Be/Sad Austerities/My Love is in Light Attire/Who Goes Amid the Green Wood/Rich Apparel/Winds of May, That Dance on the Sea/Silvery Arches/Bright Cap and Streamers/Bid Adieu/What Counsel has the Hooded Moon/Go Seek Her Out Courteously/Nightdew/My Dove, My Beautiful One/From Dewey Dreams, My Soul Arise/The Flowery Bells of Morn/O Cool is the Valley Now/Thrushes Calling/Because Your Voice Was at My Side/Stranger/O Sweetheart, Hear You
Mystery Seas (Letters Written #2) (A-Scale ASR 018, 1995, Cd) Reviews
You, Looking to Me for a Sign/Shorepoem/Calm of Dark/Imagination Feels Like Poison/Trade Winds/Over the Waters/Everywhere There’s Rain/Empty Pages/Midday Coming Misty/On the Beach of Fontana/Sky After All/Fragment (Little Star #1)/If I Could See in Everyone/Of Night/Gift
Chamber Music II (Sub Rosa SR91, January 5th, 1996, Cd) Reviews
Be Not Sad/In the Dark Pine-Wood/His Love/He Who Hath Glory Lost/His Companion/Of That So Sweet Imprisonment/This Heart/Between Kiss and Kiss/Silently She’s Combing/On the Drappled Grass/Lightly Come or Lightly Go/Thou Leanest to the Shell of Night/At Ghosting Hour/Though I Thy Mithridates Were/Gentle Lady, Do Not Sing/Dear Heart/Love Came to Us/O, It Was Out by Donnycarney/Bat/Rain Has Fallen/Now O Now/The Wind is Whistling/Sleep Now/Unquiet/All Day I Hear the Noise of Waters/I Hear an Army/Fluttering Whips
Letters Written & The Return of the Quiet (Cherry Red CDMRED 134, October 7th, 1996, Cd) Reviews (see respective album above)
Morning Singing/Cut Like Sunset/In June/Mirrored in Me/Overflowing Look/Aftertaste of Old/Jagged Tears of Words/Letters from Yesterday/Calls of Birds/Hungry Like Sharp Desire//Love Fell Silent/Last Chapel Picnic/At the Return of the Quiet/She Will Know/You’ve Got to Farewell/July Late Afternoon/Sad Song of Almost/The Look of Love/Etc. Angel
Murder Ballads (Passages) (Musica Maxima Magnetica eee 36, special project with M.J. Harris, 1997, Cd) Reviews
The Bramble Briar/The Cruel Mother/The Banks of Fordie/The Murder of Maria Marten
Imagination Feels Like Poison (A-Scale ASR 022, April, 1997, lyric book + Cd) Reviews
See link for lyric book contents!
Mock Sun #1/I Can’t Look for You/Bones of Your Face/Years of Salt/I Forget You/The God on the Tree*/Full Sail/Flanaghan*/Fully Bright/Mystery Seas/This Wayward Love/Fantaccini Playground/Ellen Massey*/Letters to a Scattered Family/Silvery Images*/No-One Spoke/The Mountain Tomb (poem by W.B. Yeats). (* – instrumental tracks)
The lyric book was also released separately in February 1997.
Imagination Feels Like Poison (A-Scale ASR 022, “full edition” without the lyric book, February, 1998, Cd) Reviews
Mock Sun #1/I Can’t Look for You/Bones of Your Face/Years of Salt/I Forget You/The God on the Tree*/Full Sail/Flanaghan*/Fully Bright/Mystery Seas/This Wayward Love/Fantaccini Playground/Ellen Massey*/Letters to a Scattered Family/Silvery Images*/No-One Spoke/The Mountain Tomb (poem by W.B. Yeats). (* – instrumental tracks)
Just After Sunset – The Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke (Labor 8313-2, Anne Clark & Martyn Bates, May 17th, 1998, Cd)
Silent Forces/Autumn/From the Book of Pilgrimage/Song of the Sea/To Music/Going Blind/The Garden of Olives/Time and Again/The Panther/From the Book of Monastic Life #1/The Fruit/Early Spring/The Apple Orchard/From the Book of Monastic Life #2/Autumn Day/Departure of the Prodigal Son/Sehnsucht
Murder Ballads (Incest Songs) (Musica Maxima Magnetica eee 40, special project with M.J. Harris, June, 1998, Cd) Reviews
The Bonny Hind/Sheath and Knife/The Two Brothers/Edward
Murder Ballads (The Complete Collection) (Invisible inv 127, special project with M.J. Harris, November 17th, 1998, 3xCd) Reviews
The Death of Polly/The Fowler/Lucy Wan/Long Lankin//The Bramble Briar/The Cruel Mother/The Banks of Fordie/The Murder of Maria Marten//The Bonny Hind/Sheath and Knife/The Two Brothers/Edward
In the Garden of Wild Stars (Musica Maxima Magnetica eee37, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, May 15th, 2000, Cd) Reviews
Let the Evening In/Children of the Winter House/‘Locksley Hall’ [setting of part of Tennyson’s poem]/The Moon is Down/The Garden of Wild Stars/Stricken Fields/The Yearling/Dun Fox/Jennet #1/Jennet #2/12,000 Days/The Song of the Wandering Aengus (a setting of a poem by Yeats)/Burning Incense/Sally Free and Easy/the traditional ‘The Grey Cock’/Let the Evening In (reprise)
Plague of Years (Stride Books, December, 2000, Eyeless In Gaza lyric book) See link for contents!
Dance of Hours (NDN NDN 27, April 4th, 2001, Cd (mini-album)) Reviews
Poems Pennyeach/Wishing-Songs/Stars Above/War-Like/Bethlehem/Alone Reprise/Once Blessed/The Heart’s Song
The Devil in the Grain (Iceflower TRI 108 CD/EFA 16918-2, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, August 17th, 2001, Cd) Reviews
Song of the Prophet/Beauty is Fading/All in the May/Darkness Rising/Dream of You/Whitestone Day/Glistening Praise/The Devil in the Grain/The Hand of Glory/Plea
Just After Sunset – The Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke (netMusicZone B00006ZY6W, Anne Clark & Martyn Bates, November 4th, 2002, re-release with 2 bonus tracks, Cd)
Silent Forces/Autumn/From the Book of Pilgrimage/Song of the Sea/To Music/Going Blind/The Garden of Olives/Time and Again/The Panther/From the Book of Monastic Life #1/The Fruit/Early Spring/The Apple Orchard/From the Book of Monastic Life #2/Autumn Day/Departure of the Prodigal Son/Sehnsucht/Shell Song (live video)/Echoes Remain Forever (live video)
Leitmotif (The Folklore of the Moon vol. 4) (Hand/Eye H-E Moon 4.2, June 22nd, 2005, Cdr-Ep, Limited ed. 100) Reviews
The Dim and the Yellow Light …/The Twa Sisters-Minorie pt. 1/The Lovely Moon/The Twa Sisters-Minorie pt. 2/Midnight Labours/The Twa Sisters-Minorie pt. 3/The Bright Moon
At the Landgate (Shining Day shine 02, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, July, 2005, Cd-Ep, Limited ed. 200) Reviews
Christmas and May/Landgate/Once Loved
Shayo Tour-Ep (Shayo 5089 44MJ 175017, other side In Gowan Ring, August 27th, 2005, Cd-Ep, Limited numbered ed. 150)
Sir Hugh (Child #155)/Seven Yellow Gypsies (version)
Mystery Seas (Letters Written #2) (Shayo SHAYO 006, March, 2006, Cd, remastered) Reviews
You, Looking to Me for a Sign/Shorepoem/Calm of Dark/Imagination Feels Like Poison/Trade Winds/Over the Waters/Everywhere There’s Rain/Empty Pages/Midday Coming Misty/On the Beach of Fontana/Sky After All/Fragment (Little Star #1)/If I Could See in Everyone/Of Night/Gift
To a Child Dancing in the Wind (Transgredient TR-03, Martyn Bates & Troum, May, 2006, Cd) Reviews
Mad as the Mist and Snow/The Arrow/The Magi/I Made My Song/To a Child Dancing in the Wind/Mad Reprise
Your Jewled Footsteps (solo and collaboration works 1979-2006) (Sub Rosa SR 257, Compilation, September 15th, 2006, Cd) Reviews
Cut Like Sunset/Shorepoem/I Can’t Look For You/First and Last February/The God on the Tree/Morning Singing/Of That So Sweet Imprisonment/Mirrored in Me/Twilight Turns From Amethyst/Once Loved/Dissonance Excerpt/Later War Cries/Poems Pennyeach/The Garden of Olives/No-one Spoke/Overflowing Look/Cherry Tree Carol/Once Blessed/The Cruel Mother/The Dim and the Yellow Light …
From the Walled Garden (Shining Day SHINE 05 CD, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, October 29th, 2006, Cd, Limited ed. 300) Reviews
Who Lives Here?/Ballad of the Cutty Wren/Song of Slowsand/Monument and Effigy/All Will Fade and Die/Sparklenight/Cries Distant Calling/Thistles/The Cruel Mother/Miracles Beginning
Dissonance/Antagonistic Music (Beta-lactam Ring Records mt196/mt197a, Martyn Bates as Migraine Inducers, June 26th, 2007, 1st pressing 1000 gatefold sleeve: first 50 numbered & signed, 2xCd) Reviews
Songs of Transformation (Musica Maxima Magnetica eee 49, Martyn Bates & Max Eastley, August 24th, 2007, Cd) Reviews
If All The Young Men/John Barleycorn/The Cherry Tree Carol/George Collins/The Red Herring/Nottamun Town/Down in Yon Forest/Two Magicians/Cruel Sister
Americas Dissonance (Beta-lactam Ring Records mt197b, Martyn Bates as Migraine Inducers, September 18th, 2007, Lp, Limited ed. 150) Reviews
Americas Dissonance/UK Dissonance (Beta-lactam Ring Records mt198/mt197b, Martyn Bates as Migraine Inducers, September 18th, 2007, gatefold sleeve: numbered & signed insert, 2xLp, Limited ed. 25) Reviews
Letters Written & The Return of the Quiet (Cherry Red CDMRED 134, March 10th, 2008, Cd, remastered (The Return of the Quiet)) Reviews (see respective album above)
Morning Singing/Cut Like Sunset/In June/Mirrored in Me/Overflowing Look/Aftertaste of Old/Jagged Tears of Words/Letters from Yesterday/Calls of Birds/Hungry Like Sharp Desire//Love Fell Silent/Last Chapel Picnic/At the Return of the Quiet/She Will Know/You’ve Got to Farewell/July Late Afternoon/Sad Song of Almost/The Look of Love/Etc. Angel
A Map of the Stars in Summer (Moments – A-Scale ASR 037, one song (#3) by Eyeless In Gaza, March 31st, 2008, lyric book ISBN 978-2-9600784-0-4 + Cd (mini-album)) Reviews
See link for lyric book contents!
Reedsong/Red Berries/A Needle to North/Fell Hill/Start Where You Are/Where Was the World
Unsung (A-Scale ASR 045, November 13th, 2012, Cd) Reviews
Years/Caustic/Wait & See/All the Days ’Round/Unsung: the Sun Knows/Muted Music/No One/To Read Your Way/Love Came to My Door/And This the Day
Arriving Fire (A-Scale ASR 048, March 24th, 2014, Cd) Reviews
Arriving Fire/Flight/Port of Stormy Lights/Past Tense - Eclipse/Skirting the Shores of Sunrise/Pity Winter/Fragment - Glad/The Rhyme of Miracles/More/Liar’s Roses/Two Voices/Close of a Song/World’s Eye
Fireworks & Jewels / The Colour of Amber (A-Scale ASR 053, October 12th, 2015, Cd) Reviews
Born Tomorrow/Faith Stars/Call & Response/Long After/Embers, Starry Tapers/Away/Gathering/Belong/If at All/Shielded, Yielding/Remembering/Fireworks & Jewels/Unsung
I Said to Love (A-Scale ASR056, December 14th, 2017, Cd)
At Last/Again Awhile/Shimmering/Unowned Light/I Said to Love/Hallucination/I Am Bound/Softspokenlies/Spring Dresses Winter/All the Lowlands/Ruined Flowers/Riches, Crying Moon/Fight/I Look Back/There & Here
Insect Silence (Final Muzik, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, July 21st, 2018, Cd/download)
Death Went Fishing/Mad as the Mist/Night Harmonium/Invoke Hecate/Old Ladies as Birds/Errant Desires/Pathless/She Raises Her Eyes/A Coat/Descent/Fieldwork/Arrow/Red and Golden Fire
Field’s End (Final Muzik, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, October 25th, 2020, Cd 500 copies/download)
Planet Caravan (Black Sabbath cover)/Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed/Adam and the Beasts (Alasdair Clayre cover)/Drakestones/King Dog (Bob Pegg cover)/Wolves Upon the Plain/If in Winter (Vashti Bunyan cover)/More/I Know You/Field’s End/Black Mountain Side/Wistman’s Wood
It Doesn’t Matter Where It’s Solstice When You’re In the Room (Klanggalerie gg357, Kodax Strophes/Martyn Bates, December 10th, 2020, Cd/download)
It Doesn’t Matter Where It’s Solstice When You’re In the Room/Triple Echo/I Got Inner TV/Eyeless House/Skulls/My World, I Mean Your World/Dream Galaxies of Nebulous Opacity/You Don’t Own Me
Post-War Baby (Hive-Arc 002, Kodax Strophes/Martyn Bates, 2021, Cd 300 copies/download)
Arthur Mee/Shell & Eagle Book/Treasure of Feathers/Smashed Milk (Room Awoke From Sleeping)/Night Window-Christ Child/Friends Came to Stay/Paper Swans-Sunny Wedding of the Painted Dolls-The Cyclopaedia-Pears/Kindred (learn the name she sang)/Scattered Song
The Birds Sing as Bells (Final Muzik, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, February 3rd, 2022, Cd/download)
The Cruel Brother/At the Fair of St. Botolph/The Knights of December/Two Ravens/Invitation/The Hare/Taile of a Charme/Drink, Drink to Me, Only With Thine Eye/A Murder of Crows/Winter Suite
Summer, Cat’s Cradle (Hive-Arc 003, Kodax Strophes/Martyn Bates, December 18th, 2022, Cd/download -Jan 6th, 2023)
Freedom Reel/Willow Wands/Spikes-Living World of Science/Seven-Origami/Sunset Gun & I Want To Run/In Child’s Time-Cumulo Nimbus/Hilversum/Picture Fix/Telfunken/How Will You Know When Tomorrow Comes?/Summer, Cat’s Cradle
The Boatman on the Downs (Final Muzik, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, March 15th, 2023, Cd/download)
Comely/A Frankish Casket/Arthur McBride/Tale From a Silver City/The Summer Tree/The Emerald Tablet/Under What Scars/The Boatman/As the Sun/The Brides of May
Insect Silence & etc (outtakes/sessions/et al) (Hive-Arc, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, November 29th, 2023, download)
Death Went Fishing/Mad as the Mist/Night Harmonium/Invoke Hecate/Old Ladies as Birds/Errant Desires/Pathless/She Raises Her Eyes/A Coat/Descent/Fieldwork/Arrow/Red and Golden Fire//Whalers Lament/Day Leaves/Yeats’ Dance/Nottamun Town
Field’s End (Hive-Arc, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, January 31st, 2024, download)
Planet Caravan (Black Sabbath cover)/Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed/Adam and the Beasts (Alasdair Clayre cover)/Drakestones/King Dog (Bob Pegg cover)/Wolves Upon the Plain/If in Winter (Vashti Bunyan cover)/More/I Know You/Field’s End/Black Mountain Side/Wistman’s Wood//Colour/Black Mountain Side (acoustic demo)/I Know You (vox)/Field Organsong/Coral (acoustic demo)/More (demo/fragment)
The Boatman on the Downs plus (outtakes/sessions/w.i.p. etc) (Hive-Arc, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, February 28th, 2024, download)
Comely/A Frankish Casket/Arthur McBride/Tale From a Silver City/The Summer Tree/The Emerald Tablet/Under What Scars/The Boatman/As the Sun/The Brides of May//The Summer Tree (work-in-progress)/For John/As the Sun *2/The Brides (acoustic guitar demo)/Silenced Lover *1 (pre-mix/spine track for The Boatman)
The Birds Sing as Bells plus (outtakes/sessions/w.i.p. etc) (Hive-Arc, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, April 3rd, 2024, download)
The Cruel Brother/At the Fair of St. Botolph/The Knights of December/Two Ravens/Invitation/The Hare/Taile of a Charme/Drink, Drink to Me, Only With Thine Eye/A Murder of Crows/Winter Suite//A Murder of Crows (first mix)/Water, Water Everywhere (drink to me, first mix)/St. Botolph (oh, see his bare bones mix)/Two Ravens Ravening (alan trench demo)/All Twinkly (alan trench demo for INVITATION)/Brother Cruel (martyn bates demo)
They Have All Gone Into the World of Light (Final Muzik, Martyn Bates & Alan Trench as Twelve Thousand Days, July 21st, 2024, Cd/download)
The Werewolf (For Vassili)/The Bitter Withy/I’m Not the Stranger/Evenings of Damask/Five and Six and Seven/My Golden Bird the Sun/Four Rode By/The Keys of Canterbury/They Have All Gone Into the World of Light/Your Beauty/The Green Wood
Christ in the House of Martha & Mary (Hive-Arc 004, Kodax Strophes/Martyn Bates, August 2nd, 2024, Cd 200 copies/download)
Signal/Little Cats – Spirits/Prescience/The Good Luck Book/Skulls/Flowers/The Dancing Master/Test Transmission – Call Sign/It Doesn’t Matter Where It’s Solstice When You’re in the Room/Cadar Idris/Christ in the House of Martha & Mary/Untitled 1970/Kashmiri Love Song/Kodaxcoda
I only list compilations where Martyn Bates first published a song that later were published elsewhere or where the only place to find the song is on the compilation in question! I have also not listed all of the projects that Martyn Bates has contributed to (like the Simon Fisher Turner’s The Last of England, The Garden and Shwarma).
Sunset Gun Audiozine (?, 1981, Cassette)
Postwar Baby
Wonderful World of Glass (GLASS 010, 1981, Lp) Reviews
Nascent Fragrance of Skin
Fabgear (Polystar PSCR-1016, 1990, Lp/Cd)
Once Again
Brittle Days (Imaginary Records III Cd 026, 1992, Cd)
Psychometry (Anne Clark, SPV Records SPV CD 084-89282, 1994, Cd)
Swallow Song (live)
Magnetic Submission (MFTEQ93/1, 1995, Cd)
The Bloody Gardener (Martyn Bates & M.J. Harris)
Terra Serpentes (World Serpent Distribution WSDCD 016, 1997, 2xCd)
Hand/Eye (Dark Holler h/e010, 2002, 2xCd)
Seven Yellow Gypsies
John Barleycorn Reborn: Dark Britannica (Cold Spring CSR84CD, August 24th, 2007, 2Cd + 1xCd download (or 3xCd download))
The Resurrection Apprentice
In The Cities of Your Eyes (Anticlock Records, Januray 1st, 2016, download album)
Troum – Transformation Tapes: The 20th Anniversary Celebration (1997-2017) (Transgredient Records TR-13, Summer, 2018, 2xCd)
An Untitled Protest
You can also visit another fine discography (by Henrik of NDN Records).
Thanks for help from Tim Grossmüller.
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